I wrote this article a couple of weeks ago for my church newsletter, but I think the message is more universal and thought I would share it with more of ya'll:
During a spring storm earlier this year, a maple tree I had planted about 5 years ago bent and snapped in the middle. It had grown to about 12 feet tall so I was very disappointed. My wife and I tried to fashion a splint for “Mrs. Maples” but the severed part of the branch died. I eventually chopped that section off, but I did not cut the tree down.
Now it is fall and Mrs. Maples is beginning to show her colors. An interesting thing happened during the summer. Despite her trunk being split almost to the ground, she persisted. One of the side branches also slowly began to aim itself upward to where the tree is now almost as tall as it was before the storm. I hope she makes it through the winter and emerges even stronger.
Our church has weathered some storms of late. There have been times that I wondered if it would break us. But “By God” we are still here. I mean that in the sense that the Lord is the source of our life and strength. The church is a living thing, the Body of Christ. We may lose some here and there, but God can still give the growth. He will lift us up to perhaps even greater heights. All it takes is a little nurturing, time, faith and patience. Let’s show our true colors,too.